
29 Apr

UPDATE: If you decide for whatever reason that you do want to spend time with us,  drop my name when you make your reservation so they know to seat you near our tables.

So because this is such an informal event and we aren’t making anyone but immediate family suffer through an extended wedding ceremony, we also aren’t having a rehearsal dinner. That said, we’d love to hang out with everyone who will be in town on Saturday night, May 30. We  have booked a bunch of tables at 7 p.m. for family at Boca Bistro, a tapas restaurant, on Broadway. Please feel free to make your own reservation and then table hop (read: steal someone’s seat). You can find Boca’s menu & information here:

They also have a pretty good but small bar area, if you don’t want to commit to a table or a dinner.

Other restaurants include:

Max London’s

Mrs. London’s (breakfast)

Ravenous (crepes)


Hattie’s (they will also be catering the party)

Locals, any other suggestions? Email me or leave suggestions in the comments.

You can check out our Google map for locations of bars and restaurants, hotels, etc.

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